What does “doing the work” look like in my marriage and how can you apply it in your relationship?

I know one process that really softens the tension for a lot of couples at any stage of being together.

Ready for it?

Step #1: Create Clear Boundaries

We start by establishing clear boundaries that respect our individual needs, knowing full well this might look different for each of us.

Openly sharing our boundaries helps us support and honor each other’s personal space.

This clarity strengthens our trust and deepens our connection.

Step #2: Self-Reflection

Regular self-reflection helps us understand our contributions to the relationship dynamics.

This is the ‘special action’ that makes us feel like the tension melts away and that we are truly aiming to support each other:

We continually ask ourselves, “How can we bring our best selves to each other?”.

Step #3: Processing Emotions

We embrace unique ways to identify, process, and release our emotions. For me, this is through dancing, meditation, and sleep processing!

Finding healthy outlets for our emotions keeps our relationship strong and vibrant.

Step #4: Taking Ownership

We focus on taking responsibility for our actions, rather than placing blame.

Doing this has helped us foster a supportive environment of accountability and growth in our relationship.

While doing the work isn’t always easy, it’s what makes our relationship resilient and deeply fulfilling.

If you want to cultivate the most committed, deeply loving relationship you’ve ever had – for the long term, then sign up for my FREE masterclass, “From Triggered to Teammates“.

This masterclass is perfect for you if:

⚡️ You already know you want to alleviate some of the recurring issues in your relationship, and simply need a better way to address triggers when they show up. 

⚡️ You really, really love the person you’re with.

⚡️ You’re ready to take responsibility for your part in the relationship, you just don’t know what needs to be done to handle triggering situations with grace and security.

This is not for you if:

🚫 You blame your partner for the entirety of faults in the relationship.

🚫 You’re skeptical about personal development and don’t see the value in working on oneself.

🚫 You are not open to having open and honest conversations with your partner or you’d rather just keep your thoughts & emotions to yourself.