From Triggered
to Teammates

4 Simple Steps to Move from Triggered to Being a Connected Team in Your Relationship without Resentment

Free 60 minute masterclass recording!

From Triggered
to Teammates

4 Simple Steps to Move from Triggered to Being a Connected Team in Your Relationship without Resentment

Free 90 minute masterclass –
January 11th, 2024 at 8pm EST/5pm PDT (January 12th at 9am Bali time)

There are 3 phases of every relationship (and yours is no exception!):




Here’s the thing…

You and your partner, along with every other couple committed to a relationship, will face these 3 phases. Period.

Imagine this:

You’re driving to a surprise date night that they planned just for you… but it feels nothing like being whisked off your feet. The backhanded compliment from your partner earlier left a sour taste in your mouth, even if he doesn’t realize it, and you’re prepared to ice them out – at least through appetizers. 


You’re cuddling on the couch, gently caressing each other and talking about your day, and then there’s a slight shift in your tone of voice, or there was a flicker of the corner of your eye that reminded them of how their mom used to act – and their trigger is ignited.


They lightly brushed against a part of your body that you weren’t prepared to be touched, and you’re suddenly thrown into a trauma response, which was mainly based off of an old memory.

Any of this sound familiar? I thought so.

The truth is, everyone has their unique triggers, most of which are rooted in the past and that we aren’t even fully aware of. But you don’t need to live locked in old memories. When you learn the tools to take you out of the past, into the present, and back into connection, you can take on any trigger while becoming an even stronger team.

And it’s a lot easier than you think!

Here’s the good news…

I’ve seen this with hundreds of couples I’ve worked with over the years and navigated it with my own partner, so I know it’s possible to move from Triggered to Teammates, regardless of the situation.

The better news?

You can do so in 4 simple steps.

The simplest solution to moving from Triggered to Teammates? Don’t get triggered!

As a relationship expert, I can tell you this is not realistic. Triggers are a natural part of every relationship, not just your romantic partnership! 

I’m talking about the relationship with your parents, your kids, your coworkers, even your best friend – any meaningful relationship will consist of the 3 phases of harmony, disharmony, and repair.

The healthiest long term relationships are those that can quickly recognize when disharmony is coming, move into the state of repair, and have the tools to do the repair quickly and sustain a state of harmony longer.

And you’ve probably tried to create this before, right?

I’ve seen couples try every trick in the book from avoiding the conflict altogether to going through years of couple’s counseling that doesn’t seem to move the needle (whose side is that counselor on anyway?).

Sometimes, there’s blame, shaming, gaslighting, or resentment, all of which don’t get to the heart of the actual trigger.

You wonder if things will ever change… And how long can you actually go on walking on eggshells?

If you feel any of this, I get it! And it’s not your fault. Chances are you were modeled an imperfect way of handling trauma responses growing up. After working with hundreds of couples over more than a decade, I want you to know that you are not alone! Do yourself and your relationship a favor right now – sign up for the From Triggered to Teammates Masterclass.

Inside From Triggered to Teammates, you will:

💜 Gain a new sense of what to do when you feel disharmony coming on in your relationship

💜 Be empowered with clear actions to prevent conflict and disharmony in your relationship

💜 Learn the tools to spend less time walking on eggshells and more time feeling connected and united as a team

💜 Leave with the simple tools and practices to move out of the trigger cycle and into a state of harmony, peace, and connection in your relationship that hundreds of my couple clients benefit from

“You meet, you date, you marry, but knowing, trusting, loving your partner takes work continuously. This is a fantastic [class] to help a person and/or a couple facilitate better communication and better conflict resolution with themselves or with others. Eri has the knowledge, experience and personality to help you in this journey. It’s truly a Masterclass that if you devote your time and energy to, you’ll get so much more in return!”

– Maria, Pittsburg

The From Triggered to Teammates Masterclass is for you if:

You have ever felt triggered, and want to know how to move through triggers faster and without conflict

✅ You’d rather more time laughing together and less time navigating conflict or walking on eggshells with each other

✅ You’re tired of feeling like you’re not good enough, feeling like your partner isn’t considering you, feeling lonely in your relationship, and now you’re ready to set a new tone for your relationship now

✅ You’re ready to become the kind of partner that you’d want to have, especially in the hard moments, and know that you can count on your partner to be the same

If you’re feeling a wave of relief wash over you reading this and want to know how my husband of 8 years and I have navigated triggers so that conflict that used to take days, weeks, or months to resolve now takes only minutes to transform into a bridge for even deeper connection, join the From Triggered to Teammates Masterclass! 

“The program will take you to places you didn’t expect to go, and your relationship will automatically improve if you let it.”

– Sadee, Portland

“Thanks to working with Eri, I can now see that with the right skills and commitment, any relationship can turn into magic.”

– Shazz, Indonesia

“Eri has an open, inviting, inclusive way of being with everything. It was a joy to be with her as all the things were discussed. She gave us such an array of tools and was authentic in how she had us consider trying them out. It gave me the freedom to have things work or not and we received exactly what we needed to move our relationship to the next level. So lovely.” 

-Terri, Seattle

“Eri is an honest breath of fresh air in helping relationships grow with strong positive communication and teaching people to co-create the relationship they desire.”

Hi there, I’m Eri Kardos!

Eri Kardos is the founder and lead coach of Relearn Love, LLC.

Eri’s specialty is helping people elevate their relationships for deeper, more intimate and fulfilling connections. Her science and somatic-based methods spark old and new passion, take you to new places of intimacy, and melt away the patterns of conflict. She helps you learn new ways to communicate and connect so that you can create the partnership you dreamed of when you started out together.

She is one of the most highly-referred relationship coaches globally. She works with clients across 6 continents ranging from top tech executives and Hollywood celebrities to ordinary people living extraordinary lives. Eri is the author of the best-selling book, Relationship Agreements: A Simple and Effective Guide for Strengthening Communication, Reducing Conflict, and Increasing Intimacy to Design Your Ideal Relationship. Eri is a former leadership development professional at She received her MBA in Global Leadership from the #1 international business school in the world. 

Eri is the mama of two incredible children and shares a powerful conscious relationship with her husband, Jaymin Patel. They have a chapter of their own love story featured in Chicken Soup for the Soul: The Miracle of Love. Eri and her family are currently living on the tropical island of Bali, where she hosts private retreats for her clients from around the world.

Hi there, I’m Eri Kardos!

Eri Kardos is the founder and lead coach of Relearn Love, LLC.

Eri’s specialty is helping people elevate their relationships for deeper, more intimate and fulfilling connections. Her science and somatic-based methods spark old and new passion, take you to new places of intimacy, and melt away the patterns of conflict. She helps you learn new ways to communicate and connect so that you can create the partnership you dreamed of when you started out together.

She is one of the most highly-referred relationship coaches globally. She works with clients across 6 continents ranging from top tech executives and Hollywood celebrities to ordinary people living extraordinary lives. Eri is the author of the best-selling book, Relationship Agreements: A Simple and Effective Guide for Strengthening Communication, Reducing Conflict, and Increasing Intimacy to Design Your Ideal Relationship. Eri is a former leadership development professional at She received her MBA in Global Leadership from the #1 international business school in the world. 

Eri is the mama of two incredible children and shares a powerful conscious relationship with her husband, Jaymin Patel. They have a chapter of their own love story featured in Chicken Soup for the Soul: The Miracle of Love. Eri and her family are currently living on the tropical island of Bali, where she hosts private retreats for her clients from around the world.

“Whether you were referred to her book by a friend, heard her on your favorite podcast, subscribe to her newsletter, or are learning about her for the first time – Eri’s approach to relationships will give you a brand new perspective on what a relationship CAN BE, and help you design the relationship you desire.”

-Jolie Dawn
Best-selling Author of Empowered, Sexy and Free – #1 Selling Spirituality Book Ranked with The Alchemist & The Power of Now

From Triggered
to Teammates

4 Simple Steps to Move from Triggered to Being a Connected Team in Your Relationship without Resentment

Free 60 minute masterclass recording!

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