Ready for Love
5 Simple Steps to Break Out of the Loneliness Loop and Feel Confident, Turned On, & Ready to Meet Your Person
Free 60 minute masterclass
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It’s Thursday night and you’re looking forward to unwinding on the couch with your favorite takeaway and the Grey’s Anatomy rerun that’s been on your mind since lunch.
You tell yourself that this is great! You’re all you need!
… Right?
But deep down, you feel a tugging at your heart.
It gets louder when you see couples strolling hand-in-hand at the park, carefree & in love.
It gets louder when your friend tells you how excited they are to have met someone special, and even louder as you try to convince yourself they aren’t. freaking. GLOWING with that new-relationship-loved-up-energy that you’d buy if they sold it.
It gets louder when you utter “I keep attracting the same type of person” or “maybe there just aren’t enough fish in the sea for me” when your nosey aunt asks you for the upteenth time why you’re still single.
Same as every other holiday gathering. *Yawn*
Here’s the thing…

If you feel any of this, I get it! And it’s not your fault. I see this so often in my work, and I’ve been where you are, too.
After working with hundreds of singles over more than a decade, I want you to know that you are not alone! Do yourself a favor right now – sign up for the Ready for Love Masterclass.
What if that voice in your heart was not your foe, but a messenger…
This is what I call the “Loneliness Loop”. When you learn how to free yourself from the Loneliness Loop, you’ll be Ready For Love.

The truth is, everyone and their mother feels lonely from time-to-time. It’s a perfectly normal emotion – especially when you’re single – but it can feel exhausting trying to break free of it.
But when you learn the tools to break the loneliness loop, receive the powerful messages that loneliness holds for you, and feel confident & turned on again, you’ll be ready to call in your love.
I’ve seen it happen with single clients who quickly meet their partner after doing this work too many times to be a coincidence – and it’s a lot easier than you think!
Here’s the good news…
I’ve helped hundreds of singles I’ve worked with over the years to help them prepare for and attract the right partner for you and be ready for experiencing this level of love.
The better news?
You can do so in 5 easy steps.
Inside the Ready For Love Masterclass, you will:
💜 Gain a new sense of what to do when you feel loneliness coming on and how to find the powerful message it has for you
💜 Be empowered with clear actions to prevent loneliness and feel confident and turned on again
💜 Learn the tools to spend less time feeling lonely and more time feeling excited and ready to call in your love
💜 Leave with the simple tools and practices to move out of the loneliness cycle and into a state of confidence, readiness, and excitement that hundreds of my single clients benefit from
“Eri helped me completely transform my beliefs about relationships. I went from being alone to having connections in abundance in just 6 weeks! In every session with her I learned something that fundamentally changed my worldview for the better. Relationships were always the main source of anxiety and sadness for me, and the greatest gift I could have been given was to heal that aspect of my life. I’m forever grateful for her help in bringing me more peace and joy and love than I have ever felt before”
– Aaron
The Ready for Love Masterclass is for you if:
✅ You have felt lonely and tried to deal with it, and now want to get to the root of the loneliness without another band aid solution
✅ You’d rather spend less time waiting for your soulmate to appear at the door and more time feeling confident and worthy as f*ck, knowing that you’re ready when they do show up
✅ You know that you’re an a catch who deserves to be treated like one and you’re ready to set a new tone for your love life now
✅ You’re ready to free yourself from the patterns and stories that have been holding you back so that you can be ready to create love as your BEST version of yourself

If you’re feeling a wave of excitement wash over you reading this and want to know how I found myself in a fulfilling, soul-enhancing relationship that I could never even imagine would be possible after years of loneliness, join the Ready for Love Masterclass!
“Eri is more than a relationship coach – she’s an amazing guide, teacher, and friend. She changed my outlook on life and future intimate partnerships and I am so grateful for every minute spent with her.”
– Justin

“My work with Eri still resonates in my life two years after we concluded our coaching engagement. In her coaching, she pushed me to pay attention to the details of my everyday life and to articulate why they are important to me. She has a gift for finding adventure and significance in the mundane and helped me honor those small keys to happiness in a way that I’m still thinking about years later. She helped me shift a habit of feeling stressed to one of celebration that has had a profound impact on how I manage stress and busy-ness. I can honestly say that my life is richer and calmer and, well, happier as a direct result of our coaching together.”
– Kathryn
MBA, Professional Certified Coach
“Eri is an honest breath of fresh air in helping relationships grow with strong positive communication and teaching people to co-create the relationship they desire.”

Hi there, I’m Eri Kardos!
Eri Kardos is the founder and lead coach of Relearn Love, LLC.
Eri’s specialty is helping people elevate their relationships for deeper, more intimate and fulfilling connections. Her science and somatic-based methods spark old and new passion, take you to new places of intimacy, and melt away the patterns of conflict. She helps you learn new ways to communicate and connect so that you can create the partnership you dreamed of when you started out together.

Eri is the mama of two incredible children and shares a powerful conscious relationship with her husband, Jaymin Patel. They have a chapter of their own love story featured in Chicken Soup for the Soul: The Miracle of Love. Eri and her family are currently living on the tropical island of Bali, where she hosts private retreats for her clients from around the world.

Hi there, I’m Eri Kardos!
Eri Kardos is the founder and lead coach of Relearn Love, LLC.
Eri’s specialty is helping people elevate their relationships for deeper, more intimate and fulfilling connections. Her science and somatic-based methods spark old and new passion, take you to new places of intimacy, and melt away the patterns of conflict. She helps you learn new ways to communicate and connect so that you can create the partnership you dreamed of when you started out together.
She is one of the most highly-referred relationship coaches globally. She works with clients across 6 continents ranging from top tech executives and Hollywood celebrities to ordinary people living extraordinary lives. Eri is the author of the best-selling book, Relationship Agreements: A Simple and Effective Guide for Strengthening Communication, Reducing Conflict, and Increasing Intimacy to Design Your Ideal Relationship. Eri is a former leadership development professional at She received her MBA in Global Leadership from the #1 international business school in the world.
Eri is the mama of two incredible children and shares a powerful conscious relationship with her husband, Jaymin Patel. They have a chapter of their own love story featured in Chicken Soup for the Soul: The Miracle of Love. Eri and her family are currently living on the tropical island of Bali, where she hosts private retreats for her clients from around the world.

“Whether you were referred to her book by a friend, heard her on your favorite podcast, subscribe to her newsletter, or are learning about her for the first time – Eri’s approach to relationships will give you a brand new perspective on what a relationship CAN BE, and help you design the relationship you desire.”
-Jolie Dawn
Best-selling Author of Empowered, Sexy and Free – #1 Selling Spirituality Book Ranked with The Alchemist & The Power of Now

Ready for Love
5 Simple Steps to Break Out of the Loneliness Loop and Feel Confident, Turned On, & Ready to Meet Your Person
Free 60 minute masterclass!
Sign up below for instant access!
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